Walking with Jesus: 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time
For Sunday, October 27, 2024 Jeremiah 31:7-9, Hebrews 5:1-6, Mark 10:46-52 I’m looking at my good points and my bad points. When I list them, I would say I have many more bad points than good. Why do I say this? Because I do not always have a good opinion of myself; I feel that I have missed opportunities to see people’s needs and help them along. I feel that I am a fairly good listener, but do I hear? Am I focused on what people are saying or am I lost in my little world and only half-listening? Does my own agenda monopolize my conversations with others? Probably far too often. I feel that I can commiserate with the apostles Jesus had chosen — and like them, I miss the point of Jesus’ message. Seven weeks ago we read Mark's description of a scene where people brought a deaf man who had a speech impediment to Jesus and begged Jesus to heal him. Jesus took him aside, put His finger into the man’s ears and, spitting, touched his tongue. He groaned Ephatha and the man was healed. Tod...