Walking with Jesus: 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time

For Sunday, June 25, 2023

Jeremiah 20:10-13, Romans 5:12-15, Matthew 10:26-33

What is my role as a Christian? Am I living my role? What is the basis of my role? In Scriptures, Jesus repeats the same advice He tells us today: “Fear no one … do not be afraid.” [Matthew 10:26] This is repeated 365 times. Nothing that comes from God is an accident, so there must be a reason why this is the most repeated phrase. And 365 times? Why? Now comes a deeper question: How do I live this?

We live in a world that is totally in the news. What is going on in our neighborhood, country, world ... is updated every 30 seconds on social media, news programs, the internet … everywhere. Also, one person's opinion of the news is followed by someone else's. When Jesus spoke He was doing more than updating the news. And he wasn't dispensing insignificant gossip. He was sharing today's gospel with His disciples, and an important, life-saving truth with you and me. What is that truth? That God loves everyone. The Good News is that out of love for us, God pays more attention to us than we can imagine. We are that important to God. And everyone is called to pay attention to God. When? At all times. Not just at scary or significant times, but always.

We are called to ask for the Spirit of God to illuminate our vision to see the world as God envisioned it: We are all one family. We are all brothers and sisters to each other. The how-to’s involve embracing the compassion, care, forgiveness and love that constantly came out of Jesus. His was a life of selflessness and service; He strove for a world of peace and reconciliation. The goal always was moving beyond the darkness of anger, hatred and fear. Jesus taught the love lesson from God that if we have nothing to fear and are aware of God’s presence in our lives and are convinced in His way, we are living in God.

Jeremiah consistently reflects on serving God and the hardships he endures serving as God’s spokesperson. The people prefer to listen to falsehoods and do not want to listen to God’s way. What is distracting me from God? What is turning me away from God’s eternal plan for me to be in heaven with Him? Despite all the opposition, Jeremiah knows God will never abandon him. So all the hardships he endures are meant to test his resolve that will make him committed to loving God and living that love. What a wonderful closing line: “Sing to the Lord, praise the Lord, for He has rescued the life of the poor from the power of the wicked.” [Jeremiah 20:13]

Paul employs a set of parallels between Adam and Christ, sin and grace. At creation, Adam anticipates Christ — the new Adam and the source of a new creation. Sin has traumatized humanity's passage through the ages, inflicting suffering and hopelessness. God is about hope. As a woman stated in a previous blog, Hope comes between Faith and Love; Jesus brings salvation.

Last week, Jesus appointed disciples and sent them out in pairs instructing them, “As you go, make this proclamation: ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand. Cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, drive out demons.’” [Matthew 10:8] Today Jesus tells them that they — and we — are going to meet resistance. Persecution confronts the early followers — sometimes from the officials of the Roman empire; other times from Jewish officials. Matthew is convinced that faith-filled followers can withstand even the threats of persecution. “Do not be afraid” is to be our mantra.

Following Jesus involves heroic courage. Look how God cares for us. If He takes care of even small birds, how much more will God care for a faithful disciple? Jesus’ call demands that each person be committed to His law of love.

So I reflect on:

  • Jeremiah felt that people were constantly watching him, hoping for a misstep. I look at the times I've found God within such situations. Did I reflect on His message afterward ?
  • The tendency is to think of myself at the extremes: unimportant and not worthy of God’s notice, or that I am very important. Which direction do I tend toward? Where do I find my own place within God’s creation? 

Sacred Space 2023 states:

“Jesus mentions fear several times here: Does fear sometimes make me betray the truth? Perhaps I may know what to do in a situation but I do nothing for fear of the reactions of others. I ask to believe that God knows me fully and values me limitlessly, so I need not fear.”
