Walking with Jesus: Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord
For Sunday, April 2, 2023 Isaiah 50:4-7, Philippians 2:6-11, Matthew 26:14~27:66 Palm Sunday: This is the 56th year that I have celebrated this holiest and most sacred season of the year as a Catholic Priest. I have acquired many memories while visiting and being a part of many different churches, parishes and communities of faith. I have witnessed these intimate events of our faith along with the deep faith, hopefulness and life convictions of people who have shared their love of Jesus, His life, teachings, healings, forgiveness, presence, and total giving of Himself. His goal was to return us to God’s plan for salvation for every person. These events and personages have imprinted an indelible mark on the growth of my faith and priesthood. Lord, I am grateful. Easter is not as much an event as it is a journey: All of the readings return us to God’s plan for our salvation and the importance of coupling this with every created person’s journey to heaven. This always has been God’s plan....