
Showing posts from December, 2022

Walking with Jesus: Mary, The Mother of God

For New Year’s Day, Jan. 1, 2023 Numbers 6:22-27, Galatians 4:4-7, Luke 2:16-21 One year ago, on Jan. 1, 2022, Pope Francis delivered this message: “To government leaders and to all those charged with political and social responsibilities, to priests and pastoral workers, and to all men and women of good will, I make this appeal: Let us walk together with courage and creativity on the path of intergenerational dialogue, education, and work. May more and more men and women strive daily with quiet humility and courage, to be artisans of peace. And may they be ever inspired and accompanied by the blessings of the God of peace. ”   According to Wikipedia, “On 24 February, 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine in a major escalation of the Russo-Ukraine War, which began in 2014. The invasion has likely resulted in tens of thousands of deaths on both sides. It has caused Europe’s largest refugee crisis since World War II.” So I ask: Did I respond to Pope Francis’ appeal to be an artisan of peace? ...

Walking with Jesus: Christmas Mass during the Day

For December 25, 2022 Isaiah 52:7-10, Hebrews 1:1-6, John 11:1-18 We have been waiting expectantly for this day. I’ve been sharing with people about past Christmas customs growing up. Listening to how different cultures celebrated these feasts has been special. I’ve enjoyed Christmas Eve celebrations with Italian families enjoying the seven fish treats. I just discovered that these treats symbolize the seven sacraments and the seven virtues — charity, temperance, patience, kindness, justice, fortitude and prudence — which are the aids to help overcome the seven deadly sins — pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony and sloth. Christmas is all about Jesus. What do I value most about Jesus’ life that warrants such a celebration? His birth in a stable in Bethlehem? His profound faith in His Father? His love for Mary and Joseph? His care for the poor and downtrodden? His numerous examples of forgiveness? His fearlessness in standing up to the religious and Roman authorities? His forgivene...

Walking with Jesus: Fourth Sunday of Advent A

For Sunday, December 18, 2022 Isaiah 7:10-14, Romans 1:1-7, Matthew 1:18-24 With Christmas a week away, I’m sure our minds are all over the place: What shopping do I have left to do? What things do I still have to do? What about the festivities … about Christmas dinner … travel plans … reservations … parties … socials … meetings ... do I have to go to this week? I can add funerals to this list. A wonderful, fine, holy neighboring priest, Msgr. Joe Lehman, pastor of St. Bede’s Church here in Williamsburg, Virginia, died unexpectedly this past Tuesday, Dec. 13. We are never prepared for death.  Christmas is now filled with death. I know a vast number of us have experienced death during the Christmas season, and I will remember all in my Christmas Masses.  My dad died on New Year’s Eve 1969; I remember the day well and treasure being with him during his last moments.   Today the readings talk about the fear of death: Ahaz in Isaiah and Christ being born to us in Matthew. How...

Walking with Jesus: Third Sunday of Advent A

For December 11, 2022 Isaiah 35:1-6, 10; James 5:7-10; Matthew 11:2-11 Every culture has a way of saying something that should have been easily spotted but has been missed. A colorful example is from our neighboring state, Kentucky: “If it had been a snake, it would have bit me.” As we follow our religious background and listen to the stories leading up to Jesus’ incarnation, we come to today’s insightful readings. Isaiah has been tracing the failure of many nations including Israel, who has sought security in things … possessing things … seeking out earthy resources to secure their future instead of turning to God. He has already prophesied about the fate of Samaria, Judah (chapter 28); the fall of Jerusalem (chapter 29); the future alliance with Egypt (chapter 30); the downfall of Assyria (chapter 31); and Israel’s deliverance. What will happen If Israel changes their direction and turns to God? Isaiah ponders this, just as Moses did when describing the Garden of Eden in Genesis: “…...

Walking with Jesus: Second Sunday of Advent

For Sunday, December 4, 2022 Isaiah 11:1-10, Romans 15:4-9, Matthew 3:4-12 Here’s an Advent reflection: When did I start dreaming of what my life would be when I grew up? I thought I would make a wonderful cowboy. But when I went to a large farm outside of Syracuse to spend the weekend with my older sister’s college friend, my dream quickly shattered. First, I had to learn how to be a farmer and milk cows. The farmer wanted to teach me “farm life,” so I tried to milk the cows by hand. They didn’t like this. I got far more milk on the ground than in the bucket, and I soon learned painfully that a cow uses its tail as a weapon when you do it wrong. Next I was told I could ride the horse. So I decided to take a long run up from behind and mount just like Gene Autry did. The horse acknowledged my imitation mount with its back hoofs, rewarding my effort with one severely sprained ankle. So my cowboy dream was gone, but new dreams came in its wake. I liked being an altar server and really en...