Walking with Jesus: The Feast of All Saints
Revelation 7:2-4, 9-14; 1 John 3:1-3; Matthew 5:1-12 Today we are celebrating the feast of All Saints — what does that mean? Every person in heaven is a saint. They have accomplished the plan God has for each person — eternal life with Him forever. God laid out the plan but they didn’t exactly latch on to it right away. They had so many different plans and goals they wanted to achieve. But they came to discover in so many different ways that God loves them. It’s very special to know that we are loved. Hopefully, we've heard it many times in our lives, perhaps every day. We have said “I love you” to a whole array of people who have touched us, encouraged us, taught us, been examples for us, even plucked us out of the gutter. Our “thank you” is spoken from the depths of our being. Each of us has experiences of this uncomplicated, sincere, giving and caring love from those who are special to us. So then what is heaven? This is God’s place where He is embracing those who have loved H...