Today's Message: 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time C
Isaiah 66: 18-21; Hebrews 12: 5-7, 11-13; Luke 13: 22-30 What do we know: the world will end. All living things that we know will come to their end. You and I know that we came into this world, not of our own accord…and we will leave the world at a time we do not know. We don’t think about this probably because we don’t want to think about it. I am closer to the end of my days than I am looking back to the beginning of my days. Am I afraid…no I’m not. Am I looking to the time of heaven forever…yes, I am. The readings today plead with me to look at the time now till the time of the end of my earthly sojourn. I like the word, sojourn… its synonyms are: stay, visit, stop, stopover, residence, draw to a close, conclude, terminate, fade away. I like the British informal definition, to stay somewhere for a short time…’you’ll have to stop the night’. I don’t think most people want to hear this concerning our time on ...