
Showing posts from July, 2019

Today's Message: 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time C

Genesis 18: 20-32; Colossians 2: 12-14; Luke 11: 1-13 Have  you ever sat down and counted the blessings that God has poured out  on you?  I try to take time, especially when I’m on retreat, to do just that.  God’s gifts are overwhelming, unbelievable and show His deep love.  Why is it that I don’t spend time reflecting on this?  Is it because I want even more gifts?  What can God do for me that He hasn’t already done?  Is it because I don’t appreciate His love?  Maybe it’s because at times I want the kind of love that I want.  Or it could be that I want the kind of happiness that I want, that I feel I deserve.  Am I placing myself in opposition to God’s plan for the world and for me?  Do I find myself slipping into situations that I view God as ‘not fair’ or that God is ‘angry’ with me?  When these times slip into my way of thinking, I cannot seem to locate God’s goodness and love.  I become ‘angry with my world’...

Today's Message: 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time C

Genesis 18: 1-10; Colossians 1: 24-28;  Luke 10: 38-42 Todays readings present us with some interesting questions: Can people see Christ in me? Each person in today’s readings had  different gifts for showing hospitality?  What are mine? I see so many people in a day…do I pay attention to them?  Am I aware of needs they may be showing to me?  Do I care? Am I responsive to the suffering in people close to me?  Do I avoid people who are pestering me?   Do I put people into classifications?   In Hebrews 13: 1-2, Paul writes:  “Let mutual love continue.  Do not neglect hospitality, for through it some have unknowingly entertained angels.”  I’m sure Paul was aware of Abraham’s encounter with the three men.  At this point in his faith journey, Abraham is still learning to trust in God.  God promised that his descendants would be more numerous than the stars. He is still hesitant, his wife is old, wouldn’t we be...

Today's Message: 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time C

Deuteronomy 30: 10-14; Colossians 1: 15-20; Luke 10: 25-37 Do I listen to what Jesus tells me in the Gospel readings?  Do I feel that it is difficult or easy?  Do I see it as complicated or ‘right in front of my face’?  Do I try to complicate what Jesus tells me or do I just not pay attention to it?  Do I feel that I’m doing all right in my spiritual development?  Do I feel I can address the and the complicated parts later on?  Do I feel that putting off until  later is just that I’m too busy or is it that I am just not ready to change the direction of my life?  Do I see this as the work of the devil distracting and confusing me away from the stimuluses of the Holy Spirit?  When do I really feel is the ‘right time’ to work on my spiritual life?  Do I view the Ten Commandments as still to be followed completely?  Do I couple these with Jesus’ commands of love as guidelines for my daily living?  Are these my spiritual guide o...

Today's Message: 14th Sunday Ordinary Time C

Isaiah 66: 10-14; Galatians 6: 14-18; Luke 10: 1-12, 17-20 Jesus continues on His journey to Jerusalem which will culminate in His suffering, death, Resurrection and Ascension.  Today He sends out seventy-two of His followers in a preview of what will be expected of them when they receive the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.  We usually read this as a interesting side note in Jesus’ ministry.  And we think how brave these people were in consenting to go and do the work of a missionary.  But what they did is exactly what each follower of Jesus is not only expected but SENT to do each day and every day.  The role of each follower of Jesus is to be Jesus each day in their daily living.  ‘To be Jesus’ means not only following His teaching but also living a life of love each day as Jesus did. His care and helping coupled with His mercy, forgiveness and compassion to each person He encountered is our goal.  Today’s readings challenge me to take some reflection ...