Walking with Jesus: Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time C
For Sunday, March 2, 2025 Sirach 27:4-7, 1 Corinthians 15:54-58, Luke 6:39-45 When I look in the mirror, what do I see? Do I see a person I like? Do I see a person I am uncomfortable with? Do I wonder about what I see? Do I feel that I am in need of changing? Do I need a Lenten purging of the me I don’t like? I need to ask why and how I got off track from the person I need to be — that God created me to be. There are good, reflective questions that we need to unpack, and our readings help us do this. The passage from Sirach uses three analogies from the arts and primitive technology. Throughout the ages humanity applies its conceptual knowledge to achieve practical goals that are needed to enhance life and living — the advancement of skills that make “life is worth living” (the title of Bishop Fulton Sheen’s TV program from long ago). The first analogy is a sieve, which is like a colander. It sorts out larger, dead husks or grains to uncover the soft, living grain used to make bread. ...