Walking with Jesus: First Sunday of Advent
Jeremiah 33:14-16; 1 Thessalonians 3:12-4:2; Luke 21:25-28, 34-36 We are now in a new Church year … Cycle C in the Readings. With the Advent Season comes a time of waiting and hope. All around us our culture and businesses are displaying the sights, sounds and decorations galore, focusing on Christmas. Am I looking at the calendar and what I have to do -- shopping, decorating, card writing and a thousand more things? Or am I focused on the birth of Our Lord God, breaking through to be with us in love? The readings still remind us to continue preparing, as the last two weeks' readings have, for the final coming of the Lord. It’s hard to focus on the Lord with all the seasonal distractions. Lets try this: I focus on the time I was expecting a visit from someone very important to me. It could have been a long-awaited concert, a sensational speaker, a person from my childhood, or a dear relative or friend who is so special. My days were spent in excited anticipation, and the time is ne...