Pentecost Sunday: Walking with Jesus on the Birthday of the Church
Acts 2:1-11; 1 Corinthians 12:3-7, 12-13; John 20:19-23 Am I aware that the Holy Spirit works within me? Do I realize that every time I am kind, helpful, compassionate, caring and forgiving, I am using the gifts that Holy Spirit has conferred on me to reach out and share with others? Do I know that this means I am being Jesus to those in need? The readings today center on powerful images acknowledging the presence and work of the Holy Spirit: “… a noise like a strong driving wind … tongues of fire … that came to rest of each … to speak in different tongues. …” This had to be an unforgettable event. Even the people assembled from all over heard these Galileans speaking but they were hearing what was said in their native tongue. How is this possible? This is the most amazing thing I have ever heard … what does all this mean … and they are talking about this Jesus? Still more amazing things are happening: These eleven apostles, who ran away scared from the Garden of Gethsemane -- only Joh...