
Showing posts from September, 2019

Today's Message: 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time C

Amos 6: 1, 4-7; 1 Timothy 6: 11-16; Luke 16: 19-31 How do I feel that I am keeping Jesus’ teachings?   Are there ones that I like and some that seem too hard for me ?   Do I realize and admit that all Jesus’ teachings are equal in their seriousness and must all be followed?   Jesus constantly used care for the poor and the needy as primary in following His law of love.   Do I live this way?   The American ‘ideal’ is to take care of ‘me’ first.   Is this how I am living?   I have been honored to visit Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru for three weeks to watch groups of priests and religious minister to the very poor.   I have also spent 6 days in Haiti with Food For The Poor watching how they care for the poorest of the poor especially in City of Soleil.   This is an extremely impoverished and densely populated shanty town. It has grown to an estimated 200,000-400,000 people who live in extreme poverty.   It is regarded as one of the ...

Today's Message: 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time C

Amos 8: 4-7;  1 Timothy 2: 1-8; Luke 16: 1-13 How do I regard the people in my life?  The initial response to this question is ‘ well, that depends.’  And what does it depend on, ‘ It depends if they are family, neighbors, people I work with and am associated with, people at my church community and then those who appear in my life at times.’  So what forms the basis of my treatment of them?  ‘ That depends on how well I like them, how they have treated me, if it’s worth my while to be nice to them…you know I just can’t like everyone!’  This is an accurate exchange of thoughts I had with a small group of people recently.  I never asked, ‘How does God expect us, and need us to treat others?’  This attention-getter was written in Sunday Homily Helps this week:  “Once a wonderful pueblo Indian woman told a young Franciscan how to pray.  She said: ‘First, you pray for the world, for everything and everyone in the world, everything i...

Today's Message: 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time C

Exodus 32: 7-11, 13-14; 1 Timothy 1: 12-17; Luke 15:   1-31 It is good for us as we progress in the spiritual life:  To Remember.  To remember where we have been and how we have gotten where we are today.  When we analyze these past times we realize that we certainly were not perfect.  We learned by the uncomfortable ‘road of hard knocks’.  If we are making an honest evaluation of our lives, we ‘ remember’ that we were not angels…sometimes…more like devils.  And we see that we have changed… and changed we hopefully say, for the better.   It is good to even look deeper and see how this happened.  I believe that a very true statement in almost all of the cases is that God has placed someone in our lives to touch us…who reached out to us with care, kindness, compassion, a helping loving hand and so much more.  These ‘God touches’ showed us that we were loved.  That’s the most perfect way to express it because we were in need of...

Today's Message: 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time C

Wisdom 9: 13-18; Philemon 9-10, 12-17; Luke 14; 25-33 The readings today focus in on each person’s ability to listen to God.  Perhaps one of the most frequent phrases we hear when we are in disagreement with someone we have a love relationship with is:  ‘You just are not listening to what I am saying!’  The response is most often, ‘ Yes I am’  Do we really hear what the other person is saying?  Am I hearing what I want to hear?  Or am I hearing exactly what the other person is saying?  The bottom line:  since someone makes this statement, there is evidently miscommunication going on.  Often we apply this to our religious journey:  ‘ God isn’t listening to me…My prayers are not being answered…Maybe it’s just because God doesn’t care about me?’  Could it be that I am not giving God a chance to talk?  Am I more concerned with getting the answer that I want that I refuse to be open to listening to anything else?  So the ...

Today's Message: 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time C

Sirach 3: 17-18, 20- 28-19; Hebrews 12: 18-19, 22-24; Luke 14: 1, 7-14 Do I try to be what I am or am I more often than not, out to prove something that I’m not? The age old adage:  Know Thyself  is so important…why do I not reflect on this as often as I should?  Socrates said that ‘people make themselves appear ridiculous when they are trying to know obscure things before they know themselves .’ Wikipedia   Do I reflect that I am a ‘child of God’?  Do I really take time to understand what this means now, to me? Do I really understand the depths of what it means that God is always with me…in the now?    If God were standing next to me, how would I act?  Would I be afraid to be the way I normally am?  Do I put the needs of another person before my own?  Do I think of others before myself?  Do I not draw attention to myself?  Do I acknowledge that I’m not always right? Much of what I am referring to in these reflective quest...