
Showing posts from June, 2019

Today's Message: 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time C

1 Kings 19: 16, 19-21; Galatians 5: 1, 13-18; Luke 9: 51-62 There is a very interesting word in the first sentence of the gospel:  “When the days for Jesus’ being taken up were fulfilled, He RESOLUTELY determined to journey to Jerusalem and He sent messengers ahead of Him.”   This seems to be the key word in all of the readings today.  How shall we translate this?  As Jesus  being determined being stubborn in His ways being obstinate being steadfast being unwavering  being faithful…true…loyal Today Jesus is heading to Jerusalem.  In the synoptic Gospels, the authors only have Jesus going once to Jerusalem because this is the place of His passion, death and resurrection.  He faces huge opposition.  This is a sign that following the path of Jesus will not always be easy, in fact it will definitely be hard.  Each Christian, each one of us is called to discipleship, no matter the cost.  The readings emphasize the demand ...