
Walking with Jesus: Second Sunday in Ordinary Time C

For Sunday, January 19, 2025 Isaiah 62:1-5, 1 Corinthians 12:4-11, John 2:1-11 Today we begin Ordinary Time, even though Last Sunday’s Baptism of the Lord is considered the First Sunday. The readings today carry over to ones we considered during Christmas season. Then we consider the “new era” God initiates during the birth of Jesus. Now the point comes directly to you and me: What should we have done with this? What are we going to do with this? What are we to do with us? God acts — are we obligated to follow His initiative? Why would God do anything that doesn’t have any relationship to us? How open are we to the new demands of the Messiah — God being born into our midst? Last week we looked at the Holy Spirit’s activity at the Birth of Jesus; today we reflect on how the Spirit has been active in our own lives. Are we responding? Why or why not? We reflect on what is found in the readings today. Scholars refer to chapter four in Isaiah 56-66 as the “Third Isaiah” because it comes fro...

Walking with Jesus: The Baptism of the Lord C

For Sunday, January 12, 2025 Isaiah 40:1-5, 9-11; Titus 2:11-14, 3:4-7; Luke 3:15-16, 21-22 Today we are given more insight into Jesus’ and God’s plan for the world that has been hidden of sorts since the beginning of creation. We begin with a question we might have wondered about: What is the Trinity all about? How come I haven’t heard much about it in Scripture I’ve read ... did Jesus explain it? Today’s readings set the stage, helping us in our Trinity search! The account of the Baptism of Jesus gives us a definitive glimpse into the Trinity: John the Baptist explains that he is not the Messiah … and he points to Jesus, the Word-made-flesh. God’s promised one — the Savior — the Messiah — come to save the world from Rome, the conquering country? No, but to save humanity from our sin and the temptations Satan sends our way. Jesus, God the Son: the second person of the Trinity. The Holy Spirit descends on Jesus at the Jordan: The expectation that fills the people is eschatological, ...

Walking with Jesus: The Epiphany of the Lord C

For Sunday, January 5, 2025 Isaiah 60:1-6; Ephesians 3:2-3, 5-6; Matthew 2:1-12   It's always nice to “belong.” We learn this from the very beginning. I remember my first day going to kindergarten: I was sitting on the porch waiting for my siblings to “escort” me to school, and I refused to go. I was wearing shorts and I said, “I’m a big boy now so I have to wear long pants.” (You can tell I was very shy and reserved.) The school years reinforced the theme of belonging — to a sports team, cheerleading, clubs, sororities. We all enjoyed the notoriety, the applause, the awards — the recognition that came with belonging . This progressed outward to our nationality and cultural ethnicity. What did this “belonging” mean to us? We were important and recognized and had a role to play in something bigger than ourselves. The bottom line: I wasn’t alone; I was accepted into a group — which helped immensely in forming my identity. This belonging is carried over in the readings today. God cre...

Walking with Jesus: The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph C

For Sunday, December 29, 2024 1 Samuel 20-22, 24-28; 1 John 3:1-22, 21-24; Luke 2:41-52 We have made it through Christmas. Our days have been sacred as we've remembered Jesus’ birth and God’s love. They also have been anxious: Such days seem to occur when families assemble and old hurts surface. To this we add new difficulties, sicknesses, looming diseases and surgeries. Sometimes we feel all alone in our little worlds with dwindling hopes alongside looming fears. The readings today examine Biblical stories with people just like us who have similar worries and fears — who wonder about their own future and where God is. Does He care? Are we alone to map a directionless course? What meaning is there to our lives? God said He is always with us, but we wonder: Where? We need Him now. I imagine Hanna and her husband Elkanah when they are promised they will have a son after so many years putting up with the mockery of being childless. Now they're experiencing a blessed moment, realiz...

Walking with Jesus on Christmas

Wednesday, December 25, 2024 Found in The Sacred Heart Messenger , December 2023 Fr. Silvano Fausti SJ wrote a version of the Christmas story that is popular in Italian elementary schools: Caleb was the poorest of the shepherds near Bethlehem on that holy night. He had just two sheep. When the angel appeared to the shepherds and told them to go to town to find their Savior in a manger inside a cave, they quickly gathered up some gifts, whatever was at hand. One brought a chicken, another some freshly baked bread and another a basket of fruit. Caleb followed them but, being so poor, he had no gift to bring. When the shepherds reached the cave they proceeded inside, each bearing their gift, and kneeled before Jesus. Soon other people arrived, each bringing a gift to honor the sacred child. Caleb remained some way off, too embarrassed to approach the scene empty-handed. Mary and Joseph felt overwhelmed by their visitors. They found it difficult to manage the crowd and all those useful pre...

Walking with Jesus: Fourth Sunday of Advent C

For Sunday, December 22, 2024 Micah 5:1-4, Hebrews 10:5-10, Luke 1:39-45 There is always excitement at this time of the year. It’s like everything has a “good side” about it — like we’ve won someone’s support or approval. We’re on the bright side … the good side … the positive side. Things are favorable, marvelous, pleasant; even excellent, superb . It’s not like I’m on “cloud nine,” because my feet are solidly on the ground. I’m just experiencing greatness in action. In a sense this is a foretaste of heaven — and it really is. So on this Sunday, just before Christmas … days away … it’s as if everything is filled with promise. So often — hopefully — animosities are set aside; estrangements dissolve into reconciliation. There is a gentle spirit seen in generosity. It seems that the spirit of the season has caught hold of us before the actual day. Why do we experience this more often than not? Is it from God? Am I paying attention? Do I fear it will dissolve or disappear? Am I thinking ...

Walking with Jesus: Third Sunday of Advent C

For Sunday, December 15, 2024 Zephaniah 3:14-18, Philippians 4:4-7, Luke 3:10-18 We are at the midpoint of Advent and today we celebrate Gaudete (Rejoice) Sunday. Its principal theme is joy — yet the readings also show us an underlying theme of fear. Fear wants to dominate our joy. Do we let it happen? We have two reflective questions: What does Joy look like in my life now? What is the biggest Fear in my life now? We add the unique Christmas questions: Am I ready for Christmas? Is my gift shopping near completion? Have I been able to adjust some of my plans? Have I placed my spiritual and prayer life too far into the background? Am I ready for the birth of Christ in my life? Are my Christmas preparations joined by my desire to bring Joy and Gratitude to the people who continually bless me with their love, care, forgiveness, affirmations and goodness? Am I ahead of the game or behind the “eight ball?” Have I allowed myself to be caught up in those quiet moments that always seem to bri...